Arzu Forough
Arzu Forough has over 28 years of experience in leadership development, government relations, and non-profit management. In 2007, she founded the Washington Autism Alliance and developed the "Autism IEP Supplement: Best Practice Guidelines for Educating Students with Autism." The Washington State legislature legally adopted her IEP supplement and accompanying teacher training guidelines in 2008, at which point they became a requirement for all teachers working with learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders statewide.
Ms. Forough introduced Shayan's Law, Autism Insurance Parity, to the Washington State legislature. She also petitioned the state Health Technology Assessment of evidence-based treatment of autism and initiated multiple legal actions that have clarified state and federal laws mandating insurance benefits for those with autism and other developmental disabilities, as well as mental disorders. Additionally, she championed a law in Washington State regulating the seclusion and restraint of students, with and without disabilities, in public schools.
She is the co-advocate of her 28-year-old son, who is funny, kind, generous, and affectionate. He has profound Autism, Tourette's Syndrome, Anxiety Disorder, and an acute stress disorder similar to PTSD. While these conditions are not considered life-threatening, when dysregulated, they can be a source of serious personal injury or become life-threatening.