NCSA Webinar

ABLE Accounts: The Example of CalABLE

This webinar took place February 17, 2022

Sponsored in partnership with
Autism Society San Francisco Bay Area.

Like other ABLE plans, CalABLE, offered by the state of California, is a savings and investment program for people with disabilities that began before reaching age 26. Learn about the purpose of ABLE accounts (in this case CalABLE), and how they work.

What Will You Learn

*ABLE Background

*ABLE Account Basics

*How ABLE Accounts work

*How to Open a CalABLE account 

Q&A will follow presentation. This webinar will be recorded and posted to this page.

Presenter Anne Osborne, CalABLE Program Manager, has been with CalABLE since September 2019. She leads the Outreach and Education department by providing presentations and outreach to community groups. She has worked with the disability community as the Volunteer Coordinator at a local Equine Therapeutic Riding Facility for children with neurological impairments and has a nephew with autism. She is committed to promoting the CalABLE program and knows the impact the program can have on the lives of people with disabilities.

Materials and links:

Anne’s slides

See the CalABLE March Webinar

CalABLE Tatiana video

CalABLE YouTube Channel

Library Webinars

SSA Program Operations Manual System (POMS) for ABLE Accounts