A young woman is suffering in a group home. Her mother makes an appeal to Kentuckians who have adult loved ones with severe and profound autism.
Read moreThe I/DD Homes that Micki Built
In her memoir, Mom With A Megaphone, Micki Edelsohn shares the story behind her creation of 25+ homes for adults with I/DD — and sounds an alarm about the future of I/DD housing.
Read moreNCSA Comments on the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers
NCSA submitted the following comments in response to ACL’s call for comments on the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers.
Alison Barkoff
Principal Deputy Administrator
Administration for Community Living
330 C St SW
Washington, DC 20201
Via email: Alison.Barkoff@acl.hhs.gov
November 21, 2022
Re: NCSA comments on the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers
Dear Ms. Barkoff and friends at the Administration for Community Living:
Thank you for giving us this opportunity to comment on the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers. National Council on Severe Autism represents the interests of individuals, parents, clinicians and caregivers affected by severe forms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD or autism) and related developmental disorders. In our population, ASD, alone or with comorbid conditions like intellectual disability, is often a debilitating or even ruinous disorder, as it can compromise higher-order cognitive processes, including language, social comprehension, abstract thought and learning. According to the CDC, nearly 60% of U.S. children with autism have significant or borderline intellectual disability (Maenner et al. 2021).
In addition to the impaired ability to engage in activities of daily living, many in this population have challenging behaviors, including aggression, self-injury, property destruction, and elopement, psychiatric and medical comorbities such as seizures. Due to pervasive functional limitations, these individuals are unable to live independently, and are incapable of earning a living. They typically require 24/7 support, for their lifetimes.
Autism rates, including rates for those most severely affected, have been increasing precipitously over the past three decades, with the CDC estimating that 1 in 44 children now have the disorder. While the reasons for the dramatic increase in autism rates have not yet been identified, the phenomenon has been well described across the country. For example, in California's Department of Developmental Services, the autism caseload skyrocketed 50-fold over the past 35 years, from about 3,000 cases to about 158,000 today. The vast majority of this population is under age 30, with ever-larger cohorts aging into a stressed and overburdened adult care system each year.
For this burgeoning population of dependent children and adults the preeminent issue is sufficient caregiving, both near-term and long-term, and this of course includes parents and other family members.
Many parents and family members in our community are not just caregivers, but extreme caregivers. They often must leave jobs and careers in order to devote themselves to the welfare of their loved ones. They often suffer financial distress, isolation, depression, chronic stress, trauma, and physical injuries. They routinely face discrimination in the community and the care system, with many barriers to accessing needed supports for their loved ones, such as in-home services, appropriate clinical care, and vocational services. And they bear the burden of immeasurable worries about who will care for their loved ones as they age and pass away.
The future for caregivers for children and adults with autism has grown into an issue of monumental national urgency. Having reviewed the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers we would like to provide the following comments that we hope will be reflected in future revisions.
(1) It is important that the Strategy specifically call out autism as a major area of concern for national caregiving policy, just as the report specifically calls out dementia, for example. Autism is the fastest growing disability among U.S. children, and it is rapidly eclipsing other disabilities in our developmental disabilities (DD) systems. Autism already represents 42% of the DD system in California and is poised to make up half the system within a few years,
(2) The ACL Family Caregiving Advisory Council should include a representative from the National Council on Severe Autism to ensure the needs of this large and growing community are represented and addressed.
(3) We agree that a Needs Assessment Survey is critically important. It is imperative that we develop better data about the scope and nature of the dependent autism population, the health and welfare of their family caregivers, and the supports needed by those with autism as their relatives who are primary caregivers decline in ability and pass away.
(4) We agree that data development should include infographics about caregiving by the CDC and other agencies, representing data such as prevalence of family caregiving in autism, characteristics of caregivers (for example, age, socio-economic factors, income), and tied to the severity of needs of their dependent loved ones.
(5) The report makes reference to role of caregivers in supporting DD adults who engage in competitive, integrated employment (CIE), but makes no mention of caregivers who support adults incapable of achieving CIE — which is the norm in our autism subpopulation. This is plainly discriminatory, based on the functional abilities of the dependent loved one, and this discrimination in favor of only one sector of caregivers should be eliminated from the report. Adults who engage in non-competitive employment, volunteer work, or day programs surely deserve equal respect and support. It is simply reality to recognize that many adults with autism and DD cannot achieve CIE.
(6) We agree that family caregivers who are employed need stronger supports and accommodations from employers to remain employed whenever possible.
(7) Case management, as may be funded by state Medicaid programs, is vitally important to help family caregivers at all stages of their journey. We need robust case management that can ensure all adults disabled by autism have appropriate medical care, crisis services, support services, community services, and supported housing. This is a major issue that will intensify as the autism parent population ages.
We note that while the report makes multiple references to "linking family caregivers to information" about services, this is often an empty sentiment. If the services do not exist in reality, this is just lip service to the caregiver. The report must place more of an emphasis on the development and real accessibility to meaningful services and supports, and less on "information," "webinars," "toolkits" and the like.
(8) We agree that veterans who are caregivers need maximum support from the VA to ensure they have the resources to fulfill their roles.
(9) The physical and mental health of caregivers is very important. If they are not healthy they cannot provide quality care for their loved ones. Medicaid programs should fully cover the healthcare costs, as may be necessary, for family caregivers who devote themselves to the support of dependent, disabled loved ones.
(10) We agree that listening sessions are a good idea. We ask for a listening session by ACL with the NCSA audience to ensure that our concerns are heard and addressed.
(11) We strongly agree that Medicaid-funded in-home support programs should entirely eliminate any bias against family caregivers. Qualified family caregivers should be entitled to the same benefits and wages as those who are unrelated performing the same tasks, when caring for disabled adults or disabled children with extreme needs. The approval of 1915(c) HCBS waiver applications to pay family caregivers is very important.
(12) We strongly agree that it is urgent to increase, strengthen and support the paid LTSS and direct support workforce. Family caregivers can only do so much or last so long.
More work must be done to address recruitment, education, training, retention and career advancement of DSPs in all the states.
(13) Assisting family caregivers with financial planning is a very good idea. Perhaps this could be effectuated via the case management package, referenced above. Perhaps also consider more flexible use of ABLE accounts to address caregiver needs.
(14) We were very alarmed to see the issue of Guardianship receiving scant attention. Only "alternatives to guardianship" are mentioned in the list of federal actions, and only once. Guardianship (or conservatorship) is a vital tool to protect the legal interests of adults incapable of managing their own affairs. It goes without saying that most autistic adults in our community lack the legal capacity to make a delegation of authority via power of attorney or supported decisionmaking. The report must emphasize the vital importance of guardianship and the need to improve the support for, and monitoring of, guardians and conservators, particularly as these roles move from family members to professionals and unrelated parties.
(15) Another notable omission from the report is that parents will themselves need long-term care while they still bear the responsibility of caring for their disabled grown children. This is particularly acute in the autism field, as children with autism will for the most part outlive their parents (this is often not the case with other developmental disabilities). The longevity of the burgeoning autism population represents an unprecedented challenge for caregivers and this inevitable collision of care systems and must be explicitly addressed in the report.
We thank you for your consideration of our comments.
Very truly yours,
Jill Escher
Welcome to (De Facto) U.S. Policy: "Autism Housing for Rich People Only"
#AuthenticAwareness requires that we see the near-complete absence of realistic policy addressing the housing needs of the rapidly growing number of adults disabled by autism.
(Stock image)
By Jill Escher
Ten years ago, when I started giving presentations about housing options for adults disabled by autism, my characterization of U.S. policy on this most urgent matter boiled down to one phrase, it’s “Autism Housing for Rich People Only.” I said this because adults with autism whose income was limited to Supplemental Security (about $900/month) could not afford rent anywhere in our region, because it was nearly impossible to obtain rental subsidies, sometimes called Section 8, from the local Housing Authorities, and because California was failing to produce more licensed homes even as it shuttered developmental centers.
But in these talks I would express some hope that considering everyone recognized the tidal wave of disabled autistic adults, within a decade we should see a shift toward a more rational and fair system, a system that allows for an array of viable and affordable options for ASD adults incapable of earning a living and caring for themselves.
Now that we’ve time-traveled to this point, I can only say that, instead, things have become worse, much worse, with many factors conspiring to move the autism housing crisis from downright terrible to an absolute nightmare.
Housing costs are soaring, with rents and home prices more than doubling in my area. Concerns about freakishly bizarre Medicaid rules beloved by “disability advocates” stunt desperately needed cost-effective development for people with I/DD receiving HCBS waivers. The federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which ostensibly provides needed subsidies, suffers a history of outright discrimination against I/DD-focused developments. Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF) continue to decline in number. The uber-ideological federal Administration for Community Living has turned its back on severe autism, lavishing its attention on the needs of the high functioning sector. Many local resources have diverted to the mentally ill and addicted homeless. And all the while the population of young adults disabled by autism continues to escalate, living with ever-older parents hobbled by ever-more ailments.
The result? An intensifying of our repugnant national policy of Autism Housing for Rich People Only.
So what can we do about it? I think we can make progress toward sensible, equitable housing opportunities for our severely disabled and vulnerable autistic adults, no matter what their family income, via the following:
As a threshold matter, prominent voices in the autism advocacy community must stop mythologizing autism as a mere “difference” to be “celebrated” and instead act like grown-ups and speak truth to power about the dire lifespan needs of this often devastatingly disabled population. Certain organizations sow complacency exactly at a time we should be stoking flames of urgency. Further, we must boost recognition that severe autism should not be lumped in with every other disability category when it comes to housing — these individuals often need indoor space, outdoor space, staff areas, security elements, materials and amenities absent in almost all generic “low-income” housing.
Second, we need HUD programs devoted to prioritizing housing subsidies for the autistic and I/DD, without arbitrary restrictions (such as limiting any new development to a maximum of 25% with I/DD), and without lumping the severely autistic in with every other low-income contingent. Too often new Section 8 vouchers for I/DD are restricted to those exiting institutions, and precious few adults with autism reside in institutions — in California it’s less than .05%. Thousands of HUD vouchers go unclaimed, which is absurd given the desperate need.
As a landlord who over the years has served many tenants with autism and I/DD, including several with severe autism, I can attest to the power of Section 8 vouchers, which cover rental costs over the tenant’s contribution of 1/3 of the tenant’s income (which is usually about $900 in SSI, so the tenant pays only about $300 of the total rent). These tenants are all extremely low-income and able to break through the national policy of Autism Housing for Rich People Only via the wonders of Section 8 subsidies. But they are the lucky ones, as most ostensibly eligible adults with autism in our area don’t stand a chance to obtain vouchers anytime soon.
Third, we must stop the madness about the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) “Settings Rule,” which has created a culture of fear among those striving to create disability housing. People are reluctant to create new housing opportunities if there is a chance that a state Medicaid agency will withhold services and supports based on arbitrary litmus tests around size and character of the buildings, or the presence of disabilities among the other inhabitants. Disability activists’ zeal for a one-size-fits-all type of setting has effectively resulted in the de-funding of viable and affordable housing options. And of course, we need more HCBS vouchers available to our population, paying rates that attract and retain competent service providers.
While certainly there are other mechanisms to expand housing options, from a more robust approach to Intermediate Care Facilities (ICFs), to more family-oriented solutions such as legacy homes and accessory dwelling units, substantial changes at HUD and CMS federal level could go a long way toward the policy we need: Autism Housing for All Adults Disabled by Autism, Period. I realize this is all easier said than done, but it’s a conversation we must be having at the federal level if we are ever to address this mounting crisis.
Jill Escher is President of the National Council on Severe Autism.
Disclaimer: Blogposts on the NCSA blog represent the opinions of the individual authors and not necessarily the views or positions of the NCSA or its board of directors. Inclusion of any product or service in a blogpost is not an advertisement, is not made for any compensation, and does not represent an official endorsement.
Texas: Urgent Call to Action — New Rule Would Eliminate Key Housing Options for the Severely Autistic
Misguided new rule would gut residential options for Texas adults with severe autism and intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Read moreNCSA Launches State-Based Resources List
We list nonprofits from almost all 50 states.
NCSA is pleased to announced the debut of its state-based nonprofit resources list. Crowdsourced from our Facebook page, it features nonprofits that serve individuals with severe autism, whether in modest or grand fashion.
Please note our list is crowd-sourced and not professionally vetted. Inclusion does not imply endorsement, and omission does not imply any sort of disapproval.
To visit a list for a particular state, please visit the page here and scroll down to that state.
For more general and national nonprofits, please click here.
Want to add a nonprofit to the list? Please email us at info@ncsautism.org.
Selected IACC Public Comments, January 19, 2022 Meeting
[Public comments to the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee are public record. Comments submitted for the January 19, 2022 meeting can be found here.]
Lori Kay
As the parent of an adult son who has moderate/severe autism, there is a great need to provide services and housing to people like him. Services are currently directed at the mild or higher functioning population and it is almost impossible to find adequate day programs and residential settings for those with greater needs.
Lori and Alex Kay
On behalf of my son, who is profoundly affected by autism, my husband and I would like to advocate for the autism label to be changed to “Profound autism” for those like my son who requires 24 hour per day supervision and help with all daily life skills and is minimally verbal. We need research to focus on both preventing this type of autism and curing it. He needs supports which are entirely different than the supports he would need if he was “high functioning". Resources must be directed to this type of autism.
Jane McCready
I am worried that the autism debate is being dominated by the most high functioning (level 1) autistic voices, to the detriment of profoundly (level 3) autistic voices such as my own son's. To add to the worry, those same autistic voices are insisting that only autistic folk can speak with authority on autism, meaning my boy's voice is twice lost: once because he can only communicate at a basic level, and twice because his mum - and main lifelong/legal advocate - is being pushed off the platform by a relatively privileged autism 'elite'. In no other disability would the arguably least needy be taken as the voice for all. It needs bodies such as the IACC to stop kowtowing to 'Twitter autism' and start standing up for more severe, real-world autism.
John Saito
I support the proposal to create a separate DSM category for "severe" or "profound" Autism as called for by the Lancet Commission and NCSA.org. It is my hope that service providers, policymakers and lawmakers will use this new category to craft targeted goals, funding, program planning and performance metrics for this high-need group.
My daughter has profound autism. She requires 24/7 caregiving, and is at constant risk of self-injurious and physically aggressive behavior. She has been unable to develop a sense of personal safety or hygiene despite all our efforts. She is incapable of communicating with anyone other than with caregivers who have spent years with her.
Unfortunately, all of her public service and support programs seem more geared toward those with some form of higher-functioning ASD. It has been a struggle to secure items as basic as appropriate clothing, safe home modifications, and in-school services such as behavior intervention and communication support. In terms of residential care and out-of-home day programs, none of the service providers in our state are willing or able to take on the challenges of the severely autistic like my daughter.
While the creation of a DSM category specific to the profoundly autistic does not directly address the problems they face, it does force us to acknowledge that they have distinct needs, and (I suspect) are decidedly underserved by today's policies and programs.
Recognizing there is a problem is the first step toward solving it.
Cynthia Reed
The housing and medical needs for people with severe Autism continue to grow as this population ages. Is IACC research, policy and awareness efforts focused on defining the housing and medical needs accurately? IACC's work should provoke states address these needs and to promote the expansion of housing options and training for medical professionals to meet the needs of this complex population. The work of this committee must inform states' regulations for direct services to provide the most appropriate services.
Jill Escher, National Council on Severe Autism
President NCSAutism.org
Request for IACC to carve out specific recommendations regarding U.S. population disabled by profound autism
The IACC is congressionally mandated to advise the Secretary of HHS on matters regarding autism in the United States. Pursuant to statute, these matters include, among others, research on neurobiology, genetics and epigenetics, neurobehavior, causes (including possible environmental causes), prevention, services, supports, intervention, and treatment of ASD.
There is broad consensus among researchers and clinicians that "autism" is not a single disorder but rather a constellation of different impairments with varying intensities and functional capacities. Unsurprisingly, we see growing support for formally separating out subgroups in order to more accurately reflect clinical realities, improve validity of research, and facilitate identification of treatments, services and support.
In particular, the label of "profound autism" identifies a set of patients who suffer intellectual disability and such poor adaptive functioning that they require 24/7 support. This group likely exceeds one-third, and perhaps reaches nearly one half, of the autism population. According to CDC data, as well as data available from states such as California, U.S. autism rates continue to increase. Nearly 60% of children with autism have intellectual disabilities or borderline intellectual disabilities.
We urge the IACC to specifically attend to the needs of the profound autism population, needs which can diverge radically from others having ASD, particularly those who have the capacity for articulate speech, self-advocacy, and self-care.
As this body undertakes its congressionally mandated duty to advise the HHS Secretary regarding specified matters, we urge that it explicitly and intentionally identify research and activities targeted to the realities of profound autism. As mentioned above, pursuant to statute this should include, among others:
genetics and epigenetics
causes (including possible environmental causes)
In recent years, several papers have been published pointing out the woeful dearth of research on this population. As one group of researchers wrote, “Those with intellectual disability or minimal verbal ability are often systematically excluded from research on ASD,” resulting in “limited applicability to people who may need the most support.” Greater attention to the unique characteristics of profound autism will lead to greater advances in science and society.
We also urge this committee to add additional public members who are parents of individuals with profound autism. Having strong representation for profound autism “which is notably lacking in the current IACC” is the best way to ensure that appropriate recommendations are made about those who have the least voice and most acute needs.
Thank you for your consideration.
NCSA Comments on IACC Strategic Plan
NCSA has submitted the following comments in response to the IACC call for public comments to inform the development of the 2021-2022 IACC Strategic Plan.
Read morePlease respond to urgent need for evidence-based services for adults with ASD
“For those of us in the trenches, living with and supporting an adult with severe autism, [lack of services] is an issue of how to stave off the suffering and misery that lie in his future when we can no longer protect him.”
Read more