“Autism can be shockingly expensive. Not just the therapies and schools and housing, but the everyday Tasmanian Devil-like damage for which there is no insurance or help.”
Read moreSummary Report: Community Conversation About Autism, Fire Safety and Emergencies
The Almaliti home in Fremont, consumed by fire.
The tragic deaths of two cherished friends, Feda Almaliti, a co-founder and the former vice president of NCSA, and her beloved son Muhammed, who had severe autism, have raised a number of painful questions in the autism community. Sponsored by NCSA and Autism Science Foundation on October 14, our informal Zoom conversation addressed some of those with family and friends, including:
Maysoon Salah, sister to Feda Almaliti and aunt to Muhammed
Lubna Salah, sister to Feda Almaliti and aunt to Muhammed
Alycia Halladay, friend and Autism Science Foundation (moderator)
Kate Movius, friend and L.A. Found
Navah Paskowitz-Asner and Matt Asner, friends and Ed Asner Family Center
Karen Fessel, friend and Mental Health and Autism Insurance Project
Mizpah Brown-Rich, friend and Joshua's Gift
Jill Escher, friend and National Council on Severe Autism
Amanda Kelly, friend and BehaviorBabe.com
Here is a summary (omitting attributions for the most part). We hope you find this useful, and we plan to continue this conversation aimed at improving safety for all families affected by autism.
Basic precautions and safety technology
It seems that smoke detectors in the Almaliti home did not go off, even though at least one had been checked several months ago. People (and not just autism families) sometimes disable detectors due to annoyance while cooking, and sometimes autistic children can break detectors. Families are encouraged to check smoke/CO alarms, and replace batteries regularly.
Along those lines, consider how new technology might help beyond basic smoke/CO alarms. For example Nest Protect by Google, “The smoke alarm that thinks, speaks and alerts your phone.” https://store.google.com/us/product/nest_protect_2nd_gen
Also there are fire alarms that record a voice, for example SC07CN Combination; Talking Smoke Alarm and Carbon Monoxide Detector. https://www.amazon.com/First-Alert-SCO7CN-Combination-Monoxide/dp/B0002CWXZG. This may be more effective than a standard alarm.
Have a fire safety plan and do regular fire drills with your disabled dependents. For those with severe autism, “the most important thing may be how to get our kids to move in an emergency.” One comment, “My husband and I decided we would threaten to tickle our son (he hates that!). Ultimately, these big guys have to move on their own, that’s the scariest part.” Sometimes people advise actually knocking out the disabled person so he/she can be dragged out. Fires like those that claimed Feda and Mu’s lives happen fast and can kill quickly. Escape needs to be executed very quickly, you don’t have time to think.
Consider what can buy you time, for example, fire blankets, smoke masks, flashlights by the bed. Have fire extinguishers onhand. Don’t forget the basic stop, drop, and roll. Smoke is highly toxic.
A very large, stubborn, and intellectually disabled autistic person like Mu will present immense challenges for a caregiver in a crisis situation. When possible, someone like Mu should be on the first floor. Also consider how medications (for sleep or other conditions) may interfere with alertness.
Talk with local first responders
See if your local fire department can provide guidance or advice re safety plans, or thorny issues such as the locks on windows and doors autism families often use to prevent elopement.
A few commenters encouraged families to register their developmentally disabled loved ones with local emergency responders, including police and fire departments, explaining the nature of their disabilities .
See if you or others can offer autism training to local police and firefighters on how to interact/be aware of the challenges of our children with autism (communication, de escalation, pairing etc)
Comment: “It is ridiculous what parents are expected to do without resources or help.” While a licensed home for the developmentally disabled would be obliged to have strict fire safety protocols in place, none of that is true for community-based settings.
Getting outside help
Can insurance companies help in some way to provide tailored advice? Can there be a mandate for insurers to provide extra precautionary measures to insureds when a severely autistic person resides in the home?
Can the state, insurance companies, local governments, regional centers for the disabled or nonprofits provide subsidies for safety technology to families that have financial need? Also technical support for those who need help with installation of safety equipment?
Training for the person with autism
Regional Center (developmental services) resources — Can fire and emergency safety be part of the IPP (individualized plan) process? Can the Department of Developmental Services have procedures to ensure emergency preparedness?
Education and training. Create lesson plans and use ABA resources toward safety training. Virtual reality programs may be useful for a subset of people with autism.
Kelly Bermingham offered an Emergency and Disaster Assessment Tool for families. Please click here for the document.
Some autism families live in veritable fire traps because of the need to prevent wandering and elopement. How do we balance elopement prevention versus fire safety in the home? One should not have to be compromised for the other.
Next steps
Navah and Matt Asner said the Ed Asner Family Center in LA is forming partnerships with local Fire, Caregivers and Sponsored Partners to help create safety packets and cutting edge training technology including VR and first person video toolkits to all Special Needs families. "We have a committee that is really motivated to make this happen as soon as possible so this horrific tragedy never happens to another special needs family."
Amanda Kelly said a Fire Safety and Autism webinar being offered for free on October 23 in Mu and Feda’s honor: https://www.pbscooperative.org.uk/courses?fbclid=IwAR02IBxd0L6EgOoz6Ylukvn-FPlZmBJLSdFJ7laI1o1FUMgNrPjbRjozNNI
A Feda and Mu Almighty Task Force should be created to create and disseminate fire and emergency planning information.
Karen Fessel said some autism advocates in California are discussing what might be done at the state level to prevent similar tragedies. She will report back on that.
Bill Cannata was mentioned as a severe autism dad and a firefighter who gives presentations on first responders and autism. https://www.arcsouthnorfolk.org/alec/
Also see a video on Recognizing and Responding to Autism in Disaster Settings, by the KIDs in Disasters Working Group of Orange County, California here
Alycia Halladay asked people to sign up at www.ncsautism.org for the NCSA newsletter, which would contain updates on efforts that follow in the aftermath of this tragedy.
Many thanks to all the speakers and participants for such a wide-ranging, informative, and heartfelt discussion.
Death by Severe Autism
In the wake of senseless tragedy, a psychiatrist reflects on severe autism’s painful realities.
Photos, flowers and tributes in front of the scorched home of autism advocate Feda Almaliti and her son Muhammed.
By Lee E. Wachtel, MD
With the presidential election only two weeks away, our country stands at a tremendous crossroads during an era of unprecedented health and social challenge. Our lives literally seem at stake. As Republicans and Democrats spar on hotly contested issues ranging from Covid-19 to racial and social equity, climate change and the Supreme Court, disability activists are also jockeying for power and planning their next steps in whatever administration the American people elect.
I had been quite excited to participate in some of these political advocacy initiatives, until I was upbraided and accused of “ableism” and hurting others’ feelings when I asked what plans might include those with severe autism and intellectual disability. I was informed that “severe” was an unacceptable term, and as discussion of this topic was deeply upsetting to some individuals, I would be dismissed from the committee if I mentioned it again.
Let's be clear. There is obviously, without any doubt, such a thing as severe autism. The tragic death of autism advocate Feda Almaliti and her autistic 15-year-old son Muhammed (often called “Mu” or “Hammoudeh”) in a house fire in the early hours of September 26 underscores this reality, and also just how critical it is to never back down. We must never allow the plight of children and families dealing with severe autism to be suppressed by advocates who actively seek to downplay the serious mental challenges that ended up killing both Mu and his mother.
Feda, her sister Maysoon and Maysoon's daughter safely exited the burning home, but Feda ran back inside and upstairs to save Mu. Maysoon described what happened next:
“I ran back to the front door to scream for Feda again- as if that would help her come down faster. I can hear the popping of glass and the faint noises of Hammoudeh crying, “No, No, No" in response to Feda pleading with him. ‘HAMMOUDEH COME ON WE HAVE TO GO, NOW, WE HAVE TO GET OUT NOW!’
“The crying and screaming start to fade, probably not lasting more than thirty seconds. Then it stops and all I can hear is myself screaming for Feda and the words ‘my family.’ The realization of how useless and helpless I became made me sick and I wondered if my heart would give out any second.”
In other words, Feda ran back into the burning two-story structure to coax her 6’2”, 280-pound autistic son out of his room and down the stairs. But he would not budge, and Feda stayed. When the fire officials found the bodies, Feda was embracing Mu.
After a colleague and autism parent commented that “Autism killed Feda and Mu,” I had the chilling recognition that these two incredible people died a horrific death precisely because a severely autistic and intellectually disabled kid was unable to transition from point A to point B.
I’ve worked with autistic youth for nearly two decades and have seen countless behavioral protocols developed with intricate layers of reinforcement to gain compliance with necessary daily transitions. Yet while I’ve had kids plop down in the road or tantrum naked in busy airport hallways, I’ve never had any autistic child suffocate and burn for failure to move.
Typical teens in this crisis would have immediately run down the stairs. Indeed, most people with autism would have done so as well. The autism and disability advocates who attend college and graduate school, tweet their condemnations of autism parents, and campaign for policy reform and who are largely capable of high levels of independent stewardship, would have not hesitated. And those with physical handicap without severe mental and intellectual disability would have grasped the urgency of the situation and likely followed a planned and practiced exit strategy.
Feda Almaliti was an autism trailblazer beyond compare, and her autistic son Mu was cherished for his infectious joy. But by any reasonable measure, his autism was completely unlike that of the autism self-advocates. It was severe – Feda herself described him as “Autistic as F&@#” — and was compounded by severe intellectual disability. Most importantly, in a dire situation his severe impairments rendered him incapable of taking a simple action to save his own life. If Mu had mild autism, and lesser intellectual disability, I have no doubt he would have heeded his mother's words and fled the fire. Mild and severe. More and fewer IQ points. It all matters. It matters so much that in this case it meant the difference between life and death.
My one hope is that this tragedy may actually serve as a lesson to disability activists who dismiss the reality and plight of the severely disabled while narrow-mindedly pursuing their own agendas. There are so many Mus and Fedas out there facing horrendous hardships. Dismissing their realities — as I was essentially asked to do by current disability leaders — would not only have been a grave violation of the medical ethics to which I adhere, it would carry potentially devastating consequences for national disability programs and policy.
Whichever administration is in power after the election, they need to hear about severe autism. They need to hear about it loud and clear. Lives are on the line.
Lee Elizabeth Wachtel, MD, is a pediatric neuropsychiatrist and the Medical Director of the Neurobehavioral Unit at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, an inpatient unit serving youth with neurodevelopmental disabilities and severe behavioral and psychiatric disturbance. She is also an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
Community Conversation About Autism, Fire Safety and Emergencies, October 14 at 11am PT
The Almaliti home the morning of the fire, after fire crews had extinguished the flames.
Please see a summary write-up of this event here
You are invited to join us via Zoom for a
Community Conversation About
Autism, Fire Safety, and Emergencies
Wednesday, October 14, 11am-noon Pacific (2-3pm Eastern)
The tragic deaths of two cherished friends have raised a number of questions in the autism community. This informal Zoom conversation will address issues many of us are grappling with in the aftermath. What could have prevented this tragedy? What can other autism families do to prepare? Are new programs and policies needed?
Conversation leaders:
Alycia Halladay, friend and Autism Science Foundation (moderator)
Maysoon Salah, sister to Feda Almaliti and aunt to Muhammed
Lubna Salah, sister to Feda Almaliti and aunt to Muhammed
Kate Movius, friend and L.A. Found
Navah Paskowitz-Asner and Matt Asner, friends and Ed Asner Family Center
Karen Fessel, friend and Mental Health and Autism Insurance Project
Mizpah Brown-Rich, friend and Joshua's Gift
Jill Escher, friend and National Council on Severe Autism
There will be time for community input and questions. We look forward to seeing you at this event.
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Questions? Email info@ncsautism.org
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A House, a Friend, and Something To Do
“They had no vendors who could actually work with a kid like Wesley…. The law is set up to keep people in their communities. But because appropriate services don’t exist, it does the opposite.”
Dad and Wesley walking through his residential campus, out of state, last winter.
By Jennifer Bush
As our community grapples with the loss of NCSA co-founder and Vice President Feda Alamliti, I’ve been trying to get to know her better. While we shared many Facebook friends, and our kids — just a couple years apart — shared spots at a similar end of the spectrum, I never met Feda. But she started work I’d like to continue. So I’ve been watching her videos.
Last night I watched this interview with Feda. And I was struck by what Feda wished for her son as he grew into adulthood: a house, a friend and something to do. So simple, basic, obvious. But I can’t get these words out of my head.
Because it’s what I, too, wish for my child. Not just when he becomes an adult, but now. And it is so hard to come by.
Wesley, my 13 year old, moved into his first group home just shy of his 11th birthday. We had been living day to day for so long, managing aggressive and self-injurious behaviors, extreme insomnia, obsessive eating and more. We were in crisis, but still, it took a year to get a placement. During that time, three homes, designated to care for the most severely affected kids, had rejected him because of his behaviors.
Wesley’s group home was just 20 minutes away, run by a loving and consistent staff. He was able to continue at his school, and we visited at least once a week. He did well there. And then, suddenly, the group home closed because they could no longer afford to keep it open. We were lucky to get a second placement, but this home had more difficulty keeping Wesley safe and happy. Then they too closed their doors. So in October 2019, Wesley moved back home.
We briefly felt whole again, with all four of us back under one roof. But the challenges were still there. Wesley would go long stretches with very little sleep. We would struggle to contain hours-long meltdowns. The regional center, the agency in CA designated to provide services to people with developmental disabilities, authorized plenty of in-home services, from respite to crisis intervention. But they had no vendors who could actually work with a kid like Wesley. Our case manager told us, literally, not to hold our breaths that we’d find another group home.
So we made the heartbreaking decision to send Wesley to a residential school out of state. CA closed the last of its institutions, called “developmental centers,” a few years ago, for good reason. But this left a void for kids like Wesley, who need more structure than a group home can provide. He needs 24/7 support. He needs consistency across environments and integrated medical and psychological care. He needs people who can keep him busy and engaged, as he gets bored easily. First and foremost, he needs people who can keep him safe. He needs, like Feda said, a house, a friend, and something to do.
Wesley’s first day at school earlier this year, age 13.
And this is where the work comes in. The state of California is failing to provide services to the people who need them most, despite the Lanterman Act, the law that compels it to. The state will not pay for out of state services without massive legal and administrative hoops because the law is set up to keep people in their communities. But because appropriate services don’t exist, it does the opposite. It is shameful that in a state as big and wealthy as ours, there is not one residential school for children and young adults like Wesley, let alone when they age out.
The Lanterman Act says that if services don’t exist they must create them. But all of the consequences of their failure to do so fall squarely on the profoundly disabled and their families. There are no consequences to the regional centers, Department of Development Services, or any other state entity. Other states have their own challenge, with decades-long waiting lists for services.
Feda Almaliti took on insurance companies to fight for our kids. And she won. Next up: our failing state system. What will you fight for?
Jennifer Bush is a writer and designer living in Silicon Valley. She blogged for several years about her family's experiences with autism diagnosis and early intervention at her blog Anybody Want a Peanut?
Disclaimer: Blogposts on the NCSA blog represent the opinions of the individual authors and not necessarily the views or positions of the NCSA or its board of directors.
NCSA President Jill Escher shares some personal reminiscences about her colleague and friend Feda Almaliti, the NCSA co-founder and Vice President who tragically died with her beloved autistic son Muhammed on September 26 (see our tribute here).
“These vignettes provide just a glimpse into Feda’s colorful personality,” says Escher. “They are not meant to explain the arc of her advocacy work, just some stories to allow her unique humor and spirit to shine on a bit longer.”
Scenes from autism conferences Feda helped to organize.
As much as Feda adored Mu, she had no illusions about the seriousness of his condition, and would often ridicule the neurodiversity celebration of autism with her ironic hashtag #ItsAGift.
After our friend’s autistic son bashed his head into a bloody pulp Feda would text #ItsAGift. When Mu would leave a bruise on her leg the size of a grapefruit, she'd roll her eyes and say #ItsAGift. When my son shredded my car’s interior, I knew what hashtag was coming.
But perhaps autism WAS a gift to Feda in a certain respect. It was a boundary-breaker that pushed her into a limitless world of people and purpose. Married at 17, with a first son at 18, and without even a high school diploma, Feda perhaps had a fairly constrained life, but one with brilliance and creative energy brimming inside. Autism was like her Big Bang, and she was grateful for it. She once quipped, “Before autism, the highlight of my week was reading the circular from Macy’s.”
Perfect Black
Feda rejected political correctness. With her genuine love for people of all backgrounds (including Jews like me), she knew the glue that held people together was humor, the ability to poke fun — based on a foundation of genuine respect, and not some eggshell-walking fear of offending.
Potty-mouthed Feda was an equal opportunity offender. One night she took me and our dear friend Mawuko (whom she had nicknamed "Perfect Black") out to see a Black standup comic who delivered 45 minutes of nonstop sexually and racially offensive drivel. Well I thought it was drivel but Feda laughed hysterically the entire time.
Her cross-cultural affections, though, were a serious matter. Less than a week before she died she told us about a handsome, successful Muslim man she was online dating. But then, she said, on Facebook she posted a big "Shana Tova!" meme for Jewish New Year. The guy saw it and reprimanded Feda, saying he could never lay his hands on a woman who befriended Jews. Disgusted, she dropped him like a hot potato, or knish.
She and I used to joke that together, having experienced the common bonds of humanity through our lives with severe autism, we could create peace in the Middle East.
Even in a hijab or headscarf, Feda could rock an Ugly Christmas Sweater. She played Santa Claus at a special autism family holiday concert at Stanford. Her bestie “soul sister” Alicia was a devout Catholic.
She considered most supposed differences merely superficial, and made fun of absolutely everyone, even herself. After I asked that attendees at a gathering called “Autism On Tap” wear nametags, Feda showed up with hers saying, “TOKEN MUSLIM.”
Her perfect world would have been a blend of aromatic Palestinian cuisine (at which she was a master), Curb Your Enthusiasm and RuPaul’s Drag Race. She lovingly called an adorable and flamboyant young man who worked with her son Mu “My Gay.” I think she wanted her world spiced with every color of the human rainbow.
Feda was just completely authentic, completely curious, and had little patience for social niceties. One day we went out for a lunch with an elderly, genteel friend in her 80s. After our friend showed us pictures of her boyfriend, Feda blurted, "You have to tell me, DO YOU GUYS HAVE SEX?”
Ah how you will be missed, #Towelhead.
The Supreme Leader
Being Autism Society San Francisco Bay Area President to Feda's VP meant enduring years of mockery, including being called "THE SUPREME LEADER KIM JONG JILL.” (Okay, I suppose I could be a little bossy at times….)
Feda’s rendering of “Supreme Leader Kim Jong Jill.”
One time she invited people to an SFASA pre-conference dinner as such:
"Comrades, You are hear-by ordered BEFORE November 7, 2018 to report your attendance status to the Ministry of Unification. Those who fail to do so by that date shall be summarily executed for defying an order from our Eternal General.
—Feda Almaliti, Unworthy Servant of the Leader of Our Party Long Live Kim Jong Jill.
Warning: The placement of this official email in any “Trash,” “Junk,” or “Spam” folder is punishable by the removal of a thumb.”
Oh What a Feeling
From Feda’s Facebook feed.
Three years ago Feda and I flew to San Diego for the Autism Law Summit, an event that was to close with a talent show. Happy to skip out on some of the sessions I trudged to a nearby Goodwill to find a baggy sweatshirt she would slash into a costume for a Flashdance "What a Feeling" routine.
Besides the attire, there were two props, a chair (of course) and a big cup of water, that I, hidden just offstage, was to splash on her face at the very moment she struck her final pose.
Unfortunately I was laughing so uncontrollably during her routine (as was the entire audience) I completely forgot to throw the water, so there she was legs astride the chair, her back arched, yelling "water!"
As we got off the stage she rolled her eyes in disbelief, saying, "YOU HAD JUST ONE JOB!"
“Gel or Acrylic?”
Manicures were not my thing but Feda knew that autism moms needed a break whether they admitted it or not. So when Feda said “Bitch, we’re getting our nails done!” you went and you loved every second.
Science Freak. Not.
Feda had no great love for science but was humorously supportive of my autism research work, which she nicknamed the #FuckedEggs Hypothesis of Autism (actually, mostly accurate).
You have to hand it to her. To me it's the "Germline Toxicant Exposure and Dysregulated Transcription of Brain Development Genes" hypothesis and hers was just plain old, direct #FuckedEggs. Hers was better, an A+ to my B-.
She gifted me many trinkets along this theme. A DNA scarf, sperm earrings, sperm necklace, and a #SexCells pendant among them. She said #SexCells, which was of course a play on the words “Sex Sells,” would be the name of my book about #FuckedEggs and sperm. She gave me permission to use her and Mu’s likeness and story in many scientific presentations.
I am #ForeverGrateful.
Bringing the Mountain to Muhammed
Mu and Feda at a fundraiser earlier this year.
Feda was just an awesome mom. She worked tirelessly for Mu and gave him his best life. But at several junctures I felt it was simply not safe for Mu to live with her; he was huge, strong and willful, and too often damaged the home or (inadvertently) hurt her. When I suggested she have him placed in professional care, she resisted. Instead she would “move the mountain to Muhammed” so to speak, and after much advocating boosted the array of services for him at home. She succeeded to an extent, but was left alone at night. And that was not enough to save him, or her.
Feda made this video earlier this year about Mu’s “Dope Life.” Enjoy.
Get to know Feda: Here she is being interviewed by her friend and colleague Sarah Trautman. You can watch it here.
Feda wanted to make the autism world a happier place, and she succeeded with her own son, her local community (too many SFASA activities to count), her state (helping pass insurance reform), and the country (as a national advocate for severe autism). She had so very much to offer, and will be greatly missed.
Jill Escher is the President of the National Council on Severe Autism and Immediate Past President of Autism Society San Francisco Bay Area. She is also an autism research philanthropist, through the Escher Fund for Autism.
Ways to honor and remember Feda and Muhammed here
Ways to Honor the Late Feda Almaliti and Her Son Muhammed
Remembering and Honoring Feda and Mu
[Event and virtual event information to be posted soon]
Address for letters and other mail:
Salah Family
1141 Apple Ave
Hayward, CA 94541
Post your respects, memories, and photos online on Forever Missed:
We know that Feda would have appreciated donations to any of the following in her and Mu's honor.
National Council on Severe Autism
Feda was so proud to have been a founding board member of the NCSA. She was devoted to bringing the realities of severe autism to light, to help forge desperately needed advances in programs, care and national policy.
Autism Society San Francisco Bay Area
As Vice President of SFASA, Feda loved creating local events to help her fellow autism families. These included the SFASA Pool Parties, Autism on Tap series, and of course the annual conferences. Feda Fund donations will be used toward creating future events Feda would have loved.
Autism Law Summit (Feda Almaliti Scholarship Fund)
Feda had hundreds of autism friends around the country whom she knew because of the annual Autism Law Summit. Feda wowed the audience at the 2018 Summit with a luncheon keynote that had everyone laughing and crying at once. In her honor, the Autism Law Summit has established the Feda Almaliti Scholarship Fund to bless one or more parent advocates with a scholarship to attend the Summit.
Autism Mental Health Insurance Project
Feda got her start in autism advocacy by fearlessly pushing for insurance reform in California, to expand access to behavioral health treatments for all affected by autism. Your donations will go towards a scholarship fund to assist low income families with advocacy services. Feda served on the board of directors and helped to guide its vision from 2013 until her death.
Hear and see other remembrances of Feda and Mu:
National Public Radio'sAll Things Considered here
NCSA Facebook Page
Autism Science Foundation Podcast here(by Alycia Halladay)
East Bay Times here
CBS San Francisco here
NBC Bay Area here
Daily Mail (UK) here
On the Passing of Feda Almaliti, 1977-2020
An ebullient Feda being kissed by her friend Saba Torabian the night before her passing.
Yesterday was a day that rocked the autism community. Feda Almaliti, one of the founders of the National Council on Severe Autism and who was recognized nationally for her outspoken and often brash and hilarious advocacy for individuals and families impacted by autism, perished in an accidental house fire with her beloved son Muhammed. Feda was able to run out of the house along with her sister and niece but then went back in to bring out Mu. She could not carry him but kept fighting till she lost her breath due to heavy smoke. When the fire officials found the bodies, Feda was holding Muhammed.
Our hearts are broken.
Feda had just turned 43 five days before the fire, and she was at a turning point, filled with a buoyant energy about her future. She talked of many plans — dating, going back to school, helping to chair new autism programs and conferences, and even writing (well, dictating, as she admitted) a book called, of course, #AutisticAF.
Thousands of people had seen Feda tell her family’s story on various stages, millions had heard her despair in an NPR interview, a rapidly growing audience was tuning into her new podcast, The Scoop, and many thousands in the Bay Area had benefited from the events she helped organize, including autism family pool parties (inspired by her own frustration of having nowhere to take Mu to swim), huge Autism Society San Francisco Bay Area conferences on adult autism, webinars, and parent support gatherings among them. With The Scoop and other efforts she was buzzing with excitement about opportunities to discuss with honesty and compassion the hardest issues facing autism families. She was irrepressible, lord help anyone who got in her way.
Feda was a friend like no other. She was not interested in judging you, only helping you. She wanted to hear your story and get to know you, and offer support and hugs, not to mention her amazing hummus and baba ghanoush, when you were down. She was so magnetic she could make a friend for life in under 20 seconds.
Her love for and dedication to Mu was legendary, although she never sugar-coated the challenging days. She wanted to give Mu his best life, taking him all over the Bay Area for all manner of events and gatherings, giving the finger, both literally and figuratively, to those who might disapprove. At her 40th birthday party Mu danced with joy, and in everyday life he smothered her with hugs and kisses. She firmly believed in him and fought to get him every therapy and support she could. When we heard she had died trying to save Mu, a friend remarked, “Of course she did, she would not have been able to live with herself otherwise.”
Feda will be deeply missed by her innumerable friends and colleagues. She is survived by her beloved adult sons Ibrahim and Khalil, her parents, and her many adoring brothers and sisters.
—NCSA Board of Directors
Ways to Honor Feda and Mu
[Event and virtual event information to be posted soon]
Address for letters and other mail
Salah Family
1141 Apple Ave
Hayward, CA 94541
Post your respects, memories, and photos online on Forever Missed
We know that Feda would have appreciated donations to any of the following in her and Mu's honor.
National Council on Severe AutismFeda was so proud to have been a founding board member of the NCSA. She was devoted to bringing the realities of severe autism to light, to help forge desperately needed advances in programs, care and national policy.
Autism Society San Francisco Bay AreaAs Vice President of SFASA, Feda loved creating local events to help her fellow autism families. These included the SFASA Pool Parties, Autism on Tap series, and of course the annual conferences. Feda Fund donations will be used toward creating future events Feda would have loved.
Autism Law Summit (Feda Almaliti Scholarship Fund)Feda had hundreds of autism friends around the country whom she knew because of the annual Autism Law Summit. Feda wowed the audience at the 2018 Summit with a luncheon keynote that had everyone laughing and crying at once. In her honor, the Autism Law Summit has established the Feda Almaliti Scholarship Fund to bless one or more parent advocates.
Autism Mental Health Insurance ProjectFeda got her start in autism advocacy by fearlessly pushing for insurance reform in California, to expand access to behavioral health treatments for all affected by autism. Your donations will go towards a scholarship fund to assist low income families with advocacy services. Feda served on the board of directors and helped to guide its vision from 2013 until her death.
It's not too late to get to know Feda:
The Scoop Podcast
Inclusion Sucks. Or, Why My Son with Severe Autism Has Nowhere to Swim this Summer: An autism mom stuck at home with her son on a hot summer day meditates on the smallness of his world when inclusion is the only option
Three Strikes... and He's Out? What happens when the regular world has had enough of my son's autism
Life with an autistic child can be difficult. During a pandemic it can be grueling
NPR’s All Things Considered
Feda and Mu honored on National Public Radio just two days after their passing here
'He's Incredibly Confused': Parenting A Child With Autism During The Pandemic (recorded 5 months earlier)
National Public Radio'sAll Things Considered here
Autism Science Foundation Podcast here(by Alycia Halladay)
East Bay Times here
CBS San Francisco here
NBC Bay Area here
Daily Mail (UK) here
The first piece written about Feda’s advocacy